This is my 4th blog. I have been writing for myself, for the university, for my workplace; about love, about insanity, about hiding the truth even from myself.
In this blog, I will write about dance, about my relationship to dance, about dance pieces I have seen, and basically anything I can associate with this topic.
The title itself is supposed to suggest this mission of mine. The word "dancespiratory" is a blend of "dance" and "respiratory", and I came up with this word to express this life-giving effect dancing has on me. It has some remnants of the word "inspiration(al)" as well, since I plan to collect all the things, videos, pictures, quotes, songs, etc. that inspire me to dance here. The second word of the title, "organs" underpins my plan to touch upon all the different topics that can be connected to dance, the wide range of subjects which somehow contribute to the unity of dance organism to be created on my blog, similarly to how the various bodily organs operate to the same end: to make us tick. The phrase also resonates with interdisciplinarity, and with oppositions: art and biology, movement of the body and the immobility of organs, dancing limbs and sleeping offals. Besides, the word "organs" is related to something deeper than the simple movement of the body. I want to go under my skin, to find my terpsichorean core, to see what is beyond the dance of skin: what happens in my heart, in my brain, how do all the different segments of my reality make up my world? I'll dig till I drop, till my axe and my spade become instruments, till the sound of sweaty work becomes the music of my rebirth.
Come, join me on my journey. Keep breathing, keep dancing.
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